
كلمات سر ريد ديد سوني 4

Red Dead Redemption 2 – غش

كلمات سر ريد ديد سوني 4 Red Dead Redemption 2

افتح قائمة الإعدادات ثم اضغط على Triangle لفتح قائمة الغش ثم Triangle مرة أخرى لإدخال كلمة المرور. بالنسبة لبعض عمليات الاحتيال ، ستحتاج إلى تلبية متطلبات داخل اللعبة قبل أن تتمكن من استخدامها ، والتي سيتم سردها أدناه.

❤️ قد يهمك: اكواد ريد ديد ريدمبشن ps3

ملاحظة: سيؤدي استخدام الإحتيالات إلى تعطيل الجوائز ويمنعك من حفظ اللعبة!


Clear all bounties and lockdown areas You want everyone to go away
Create Buggy Keep your dreams light
Create Circus Wagon (Blackwater Ledger 73, epilogue part 2) Would you be happier as a clown?
Create Race Horse Run! Run! Run!
Create Random Horse You want something new
Create Stagecoach The best of the old ways
Create Superior Horse You want more than you have
Create Wagon Keep your dreams simple
Create War Horse (Blackwater Ledger 72, epilogue part 1) You are a beast built for war
Decrease Honor You revel in your disgrace, I see
Decrease Wanted Level You want freedom
Drunk A fool on command
Fog of War: Reveals entire map (Blackwater Ledger 66 or New Hanover Gazette 31, chapter 3) You Long for Sight and See Nothing
Fortify Health, Stamina and Dead Eye Bars (Hanover Gazette 36, chapter 6) You Seek More Than The World Offers
Gain $500. Greed is now a virtue
Gunslinger Weapons History is written by fools
Heavy Weapons: Pump-Action Shotgun, Bolt Action Rifle, Mauser Pistol, and Semi-Automatic Pistol (Saint Denis Times 46 or Blackwater Ledger 65, chpt 3) Greed is American Virtue
High Honor (Blackwater Ledger 67, chapter 4) Virtue Unearned is not virtue
Increase Health, Stamina, and Dead Eye Bar Levels Seek all the bounty of this place
Increase Horse Bonding My kingdom is a horse
Increase Wanted Level You want punishment
Increase Whistle Range For Horse Better than my dog
Infinite Ammo (New Hanover Gazette 27 in Valentine, chapter 1) Abundance is the dullest desire
Infinite Deadeye Be greedy only for foresight
Infinite Stamina (Blackwater Ledger 68, chapter 5) The lucky be strong evermore
Learn All Recipes Eat of Knowledge
Own All Outfits (New Hanover Gazette 27 in Valentine, chapter 1) Vanity. All is vanity
Purchase All Camp Upgrades Share
Reset Honor (New Hanover Gazette 27, chapter 1) Balance. All is balance
Set Dead Eye Level 2 Make me better
Set Dead Eye Level 3 I shall be better
Set Dead Eye Level 5 I seek and I find
Set Dead Eye to level 1 Guide me Better
Set Dead Eye to level 4 I still seek more
Set Health, Stamina, and Dead Eye Bars to Full You flourish before you die
Simple Weapons (New Hanover Gazette 27 in Valentine, chapter 1) A simple life, a beautiful death
Stealth Weapons (New Hanover Gazette 27 in Valentine, chapter 1) Death is silence

🙂 اقرأ ايصا: اكواد ريد ديد ريدمبشن 2

Red Dead Redemption 2 Cheats XONE

Open the Settings Menu then press Y Button to open the Cheats List then Y Button again to enter the password. For some cheats, you’ll need to meet a requirement in-game before you can use it, which will be listed below.

Note: Using Cheats will disable Achievements.
Effect Password
Add $500 Greed is now a virtue
Clear all bounties and lockdown areas You want everyone to go away
Create Buggy Keep your dreams light
Create Circus Wagon (Blackwater Ledger 73, epilogue part 2) Would you be happier as a clown?
Create Race Horse Run! Run! Run!
Create Random Horse You want something new
Create Stagecoach The best of the old ways
Create Superior Horse You want more than you have
Create Wagon Keep your dreams simple
Create War Horse (Blackwater Ledger 72, epilogue part 1) You are a beast built for war
Decrease Wanted Level You want freedom
Drunk A fool on command
Fog of War: Reveals entire map (Blackwater Ledger 66 or New Hanover Gazette 31, chapter 3) You Long for Sight but See Nothing
Fortify Health, Stamina and Dead Eye Bars (Hanover Gazette 36, chapter 6) You Seek More Than The World Offers
Gunslinger Weapons History is written by fools
Heavy Weapons: Pump-Action Shotgun, Bolt Action Rifle, Mauser Pistol, and Semi-Automatic Pistol (Saint Denis Times 46 or Blackwater Ledger 65, chpt 3) Greed is American Virtue

High Honor (Blackwater Ledger 67, chapter 4)

Virtue Unearned is not virtue
Increase Health, Stamina and Dead Eye Level Seek all the bounty of this place
Increase Horse Bonding My kingdom is a horse
Increase Wanted Level You want punishment
Increase Whistle Range For Horse Better than my dog
Infinite Ammo (New Hanover Gazette 27 in Valentine, chapter 1) Abundance is the dullest desire
Infinite Dead Eye Be greedy only for foresight
Infinite Stamina (Blackwater Ledger 68, chapter 5) The lucky be strong evermore
Learn All Recipes Eat of Knowledge
Own All Outfits (New Hanover Gazette 27 in Valentine, chapter 1) Vanity. All is vanity
Purchase All Camp Upgrades Share
Reset Honor (New Hanover Gazette 27, chapter 1) Balance. All is balance
Set Dead Eye Level 2 Make me better
Set Dead Eye Level 3 I shall be better
Set Dead Eye Level 4 I still seek more
Set Dead Eye Level 5 I seek and I find
Set Health, Stamina, and Dead Eye Bars to Full You flourish before you die
Simple Weapons (New Hanover Gazette 27 in Valentine, chapter 1) A simple life, a beautiful death
Stealth Weapons (New Hanover Gazette 27 in Valentine, chapter 1) Death is silence

🌚 شاهد: اكواد ماب blox fruits

Red Dead Redemption 2 تغش XONEافتح قائمة الإعدادات ثم اضغط على الزر Y لفتح قائمة الغش ثم الزر Y مرة أخرى لإدخال كلمة المرور. بالنسبة لبعض عمليات الاحتيال ، ستحتاج إلى تلبية متطلبات داخل اللعبة قبل أن تتمكن من

استخدامها ، والتي سيتم سردها أدناه. ملاحظة: سيؤدي استخدام الإحتيالات إلى تعطيل الإنجازات.

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